Brosnahans Super Fine Smoking Dust Brosnahans Super Fine Smoking Dust
Brosnahans Super Fine Smoking Dust $12.99
Brosnahans Super Fine Smoking Dust Super fine smoking dust/chips are commonly used in cold smoke generators - typically maze type. Click Here to view our PureQ Cold Smoke generator. If you want to get into cold smoking, this is the right place to start!
Brosnahans Smoking Wood Chunks Brosnahans Smoking Wood Chunks
Brosnahans Smoking Wood Chunks $29.95
Brosnahans Smoking Wood Chunks If you are wanting smoke flavour and cooking on anything other than a pellet grill or offset, this is what you need! Wood chunks are commonly used in combination with charcoal briquettes (like these) and are how you get smoke flavour in kettles, drum smokers (like OKJ broncos or Pit Barrels), bullet smokers like (Pro Q or Weber Smokey Mountains), and more! Click Here to view the Brosnahan's wood smoking flavour chart/guide.

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